03 August, 2010

You don't need a password darling, I'm entirely open to you.  All of me, is yours, when you're ready to have it.  When will you be ready?  Will you ever be ready?  I know you love her.  I know you've been devoted to her, but you cannot deny the chemistry we have, the passion we share, the electricity that's elicited when we're in the same space.  The last time we were together,  I felt no other presence.  Your thoughts were of only us.  Why can't it be that way all the time?  I want you, but I don't just moments with you.

I know I don't really need a password. I really know because it's just a glance to unlock your heart and spill your entire body into my arms for that hug that takes us into our own world. Will I ever be ready? I ask myself that too and each day goes on without finding a definite answer. The chemistry we share seems to get deeper with each passing day and it is far beyond words to describe what I feel for you.

Why can't it be this way all the time?

You know the odds Mystique darling!

02 August, 2010

If you ask me, I'm ready

I'm lying here, on my bed, listening to Alicia Keys' Unthinkable.  I'm listening to her words and they echo what's in my heart.  We're good friends, great friends, but why can't we be more?  I've told you how I feel and I know how you feel, why not take a chance with me?  Why not let this beautiful, amazing love that is budding between us, grow into the lush flower I know it can be?  I'm ready to fall and I want you to fall with me.  I'm ready to soar into the unknown and see where it takes us.  And I'm asking you to take this journey with me.  I know you're the one for me.  I've always known.  From the moment I laid eyes on you.  From the moment you spoke to me.  From the moment we shared our thoughts and ideas, I knew.

Daydreaming about you too.I'm presently listening to this very funny Nigerian song- 'Pincode' and wish I could unlock your body completely with the 'password' you allowed me to use the last time we were together. We could be more than friends but are we sure we can take that bold step? I look into you eyes and I see the stars of what we secretly share twinkling in your eyes and wish the stars could just grow on those lush flowers of yours. Unknown? We are already soaring in the unknown but still not sure where it will take us. From that moment when I heard your voice, I knew too.

01 August, 2010

Our Feelings .....?

I wished for you today.  I longed to hear your voice, feel your touch, gaze upon your face, but unfortunately it wasn't to be.  I know you are with her, rationally, but emotionally, why are you with her and not me?  I imagined you touching me, loving me.  The pain of you not being by my side nearly had me undone.  I tell myself that I should be stronger and let you go, but I cannot.  You encompass all I've ever wanted.  You are the fulfillment of everything I've wanted in a man, but you're not my man, you're hers.  Does she even know how amazing you are?  Does she appreciate all your qualities?  Does she listen to your thoughts and ideas like I do?  Does she hear you, even when you don't speak?  Can she see into the person you really are?  What do all these questions matter?  Why do I continue to torture myself?

I ask myself why we both torture ourselves too but what we feel for each other can't be described. From the very first day we started talking, there was this connection between us that I had never felt for any of my female friends. It was as if we had known each other for ages. When I look back, your laughter and voice reminds me of water falling down from a spring at a waterfall. The day I met you was sensational and will always be.

I longed for you today too. Not hearing your voice too continually sent me into my own world of looking at every other woman's face wishing your smile could just turn up on their faces. The truth is though my heart belongs to another, you will always remain special to me and I hope our friendship would show the world that two of us can have a deeply rooted friendship without strings attached.

Whatever emotional torture we go through, it will only take our friendship to greater heights!